

Donations are very welcome!
Help us to complete the hospital in Ghana quickly and to secure its operation in the long term.
We have various possibilities for you to make donations to us.

Bank transfer to our donation account

Hilfe für Krankenhausbau in Ghana e.V.
IBAN: DE41 44 04 00 37 03 22 22 13 00

There is an exemption certificate that entitles you to issue a donation receipt. If contact details are available, the association will send you a donation receipt without being asked.

For info:

The proof limit has been 300 euros since January 1, 2021. This means that for donations and membership fees under 300 euros, simplified proof to the tax office is sufficient. Simplified proof includes: a simple bank statement, a booking confirmation of the transfer or a deposit slip.

Donate via Paypal

You can easily send us a donation via the online payment service Paypal.
Click on our logo to go directly to Paypal.

Donations in kind

Donations in kind also help us a lot!
Please contact us direct

Dr. Samuel Okae
Neuhoffstraße 20
44267 Dortmund
Telefon:+49 173 57 24 000

Peggy Griewel
Am Vogelsberg 106
44534 Lünen
Telefon:+49 176 62 51 14 34

We would like to extend our special thanks to everyone we cannot thank personally due to a lack of contact details:

Thank you for your help!